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The kidneys are one of the organs in the body that are prone to damage. Especially if we adopt an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do this, which makes the workload of this organ increase. In fact, this can lead to dangerous diseases.

Various habits are not healthy for the kidneys

Health experts say that kidneys that have begun to damage or have disease will not be able to function properly. This will certainly make various kinds of toxins in the body accumulate and ultimately have a bad impact on the overall health condition of the body.

Here are a variety of unhealthy habits that can harm our kidneys.

1. Often eat foods high in salt

Foods with a high salt content are not only found in homemade dishes or in places to eat. In reality, there are a lot of packaged foods that are also high in salt, such as chips, biscuits, etc. Unfortunately, we don't realize it because it's not necessarily salty.

Not only can increase blood pressure. Foods high in salt can also put a strain on the kidneys and ultimately reduce their function significantly. In fact, health expert James Simon from the Cleveland Clinic said that the hobby of consuming foods high in salt can lead to an increased risk of developing kidney stones.

In order to maintain body condition, health experts advise us to limit salt intake to a maximum of 2,300 mg per day.

2. Lazy to check blood pressure regularly

Blood pressure has a big influence on the condition of the kidneys as a whole. If we experience uncontrollable high blood pressure problems, this can lead to damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys and eventually damage this organ. The problem is that many people don't even realize that they have high blood pressure problems because they never get it checked.

Make sure to routinely do blood pressure checks at least twice a year to find out the condition of blood pressure in the body and adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain its balance.

3. Still smoking

Cigarettes can have a huge health impact on almost all parts and organs of the body. This is due to its ability to trigger an increase in blood pressure and damage blood vessels, including those in the kidneys. A study has shown that the hobby of smoking for up to 16 years can increase the risk of kidney cancer by 40 percent!

4. Not drinking enough

Not only will it cause thirst or dehydration, not drinking enough can also significantly increase the risk of kidney damage. This is caused by the kidneys having to work hard to filter out the blood which is much thicker due to the imbalance of body fluids. This then ultimately reduces its function significantly.

5. Take medication carelessly

Carelessly taking painkillers without paying attention to the dosage or doctor's advice can lead to kidney damage. Long-term consumption of drugs without a doctor's supervision can also cause the same thing. This is because the kidneys have to work hard to process these drugs, leaving them prone to damage.

6. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep will make your kidneys more tense and you don't get enough rest. This in turn can have a significant impact on this organ damage.

7. His hobby is consuming alcohol

Not only can it cause damage or disease to the liver, the hobby of consuming alcoholic drinks can double the risk of developing chronic kidney disease!

Photo Credit: Carradori

One of the diseases most feared by many people is cancer. Not only can the risk of premature death increase, sufferers will experience tremendous suffering considering that this disease eats away at body parts. In addition, the process of treating this disease also tends to be very heavy and may not necessarily cure it completely. It is for this reason that we should as much as possible prevent his arrival.

Various kinds of foods that must be avoided in order to prevent cancer

One of the ways we can do to prevent cancer is to adopt the right diet. Health experts say there are several types of food that can increase the risk of getting this disease so we should avoid it.

Here are the foods.

1. Soft drink

Soft drinks tend to be favored by Indonesians. This is due to its delicious and refreshing taste, especially when served cold. The problem is soft drinks are included in the most bad drinks for health.

The sugar content in soft drinks is very high. Moreover, coupled with the fact that the type of sugar in this drink is corn syrup which is high in fructose. This sugar is very concentrated and tends to be difficult for the body to digest.

If we eat it often, the digestive organs, especially the liver, will work very hard to process it. Coupled with the exposure to artificial dyes in this drink, the risk of triggering cancer in the digestive organs will increase.

2. Foods with white flour ingredients

We can easily find foods made from white flour such as pasta, bread, and various kinds of cakes every day. The problem is that behind the enjoyment of these foods, there is an increased risk of cancer if we eat them too often. This is caused by the processing of white flour which uses several chemicals that have the potential to increase the risk of developing cancer.

In addition, there are enough foods with white flour content that are high in sugar, a content that can trigger inflammation in the body if too much is consumed.

3. Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those that have been packed with various interesting flavors, can also increase the risk of developing cancer if consumed frequently, you know. This is due to the high content of trans fats, preservatives, and salt in it.

In addition, the process of processing potatoes with high temperatures can also trigger the appearance of acrylamide content. One of the ingredients that are carcinogens or can cause cancer.

4. Margarine

Margarine, which we often use as an ingredient in cakes, can also increase the risk of developing cancer. This is due to the processing that uses oil at high temperatures, which in turn can trigger the emergence of chemical substances such as lycidol and 3-MCPdare which are carcinogens or can cause cancer.

5. Microwave-treated popcorn

Microwave-processed popcorn does taste good, but health experts say this food already contains the chemical PFOA, which is a carcinogen. In addition, we can also find other chemicals such as diacetyl in this popcorn. This material can also trigger cancer.

6. Red meat

Even though it is high in nutrients, we should limit our consumption of red meat because it can trigger various kinds of health problems such as cancer, obesity, etc. if consumed frequently. In fact, if we tend to eat grilled meat as a hobby, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer can go up to 60 percent!

Terkadang di pandang sepele, motivasi dan inspirasi merupakan sesuatu yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang.

Bacalah, 10 Gambar Inspiratif Penuh Makna Ini Akan Mengubah Segalanya Dalam Hidupmu!
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Motivation is something that describes what drives a person and the purpose of people doing activities.

Motivation is an explanation of a person's behavior which includes desires (wants), needs (needs), desires (desires), goals (goals), and avoidance (avoid),

Why does everyone need motivation and inspiration? because every person does need positive encouragement that comes from outside himself so he can realize the existence and all the potential that exists in him.

With that motivation, an individual can act appropriately to achieve his goals,

So to get back your motivation today, here we present 10 inspirational pictures that will change everything in your life,

1. Do not easily judge someone because we ourselves are not perfect

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2. Make sure that your common sense is correct before you start talking

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3. Your mind is very extraordinary. You can achieve whatever your biggest dreams are and don't let yourself be imprisoned in the prison of your own mind that you can't possibly do it

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4. Don't chase the world too much, because in the world we will only live temporarily

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5. Life is a struggle so don't ever complain and give up

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6. Your habits today are a reflection of your future, so think again what you are doing now

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7. Your cellphone has replaced the clock, alarm, calendar, to your camera, don't let it replace your family too!

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8. Reading is the nutrition needed by the mind and exercise for the body

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9. Stop spending money on what you don't need and start making your dreams come true from now on

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10. Stop living in a cycle that just like that, make changes for the better!

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Negara Ini Terlihat Paling Terang pada Malam Hari, yang Di Lihat dari Stasiun Luar Angkasa
At nightfall, it would be nice if we looked at the sky with a bright state. We can see the bright stars that emit at night. Especially if we look at it from the top of the mountain or the beach, we can see a wide spread of stars without any obstructive objects.

But what if the opposite, meaning that objects on earth are seen from space, seems to be bright too, yes, with the lights shining from the earth.
Of all the brightest things on earth, which area is the brightest and most bright on earth at night seen from the space station. Reporting from Dailymail, Spain is the brightest area at night seen from the space station.
Almost all regions in Spain look very bright at night. In contrast, North Korea looks dark in various regions. But from the light of the regions in Spain it will bring negative effects, namely the emissions produced will be greater. How about Indonesia? here it is Indonesia seen from the space station at night,

It is beyond measure the services of parents to their children. His affection as if never exhausted. Even when the children are adults and have their own little family.

Here is an illustration of parental love that we should ponder.

1. They always care about the growth of their baby. An immeasurable sense of happiness when he found his child growing up healthy
2. Countless amounts of money spent by parents to ensure their children get a good education
3. It's okay why mom or dad don't go to school. The important thing is you can go to a high school, son so that your future is better than mother and father
4. Even though he is sick, parents are even busy looking after their sick children
5. They might not be able to give much, but that's all they have
6. A mother is not willing to wear tattered clothes as long as her baby can wear nice clothes
7. Incredibly the burden of a father. All that he bore for the sake of his child
Those are some blue moving illustrations of the sacrifice of our parents. Hopefully it can be an encouragement for us all to be able to make them happy.

Vacation to Yogyakarta, there are many tourist destinations that you can explore. Not only is it rich in historical and cultural tourism, Yogyakarta also holds many beautiful beach tours, you know. One of the things you must go to is Gesing Beach.

The location itself is located in Gunungkidul Regency which has proven to save many interesting beach attractions. So, you don't need to hesitate anymore about the beauty of Gesing Beach. Arriving here, you will immediately be greeted by soft white sand, clear sea water, green, and views of the cliffs flanking the beach. Although not too broad, but the calm atmosphere of Gesing Beach is guaranteed to calm your mood. Really suitable, for you who are bored with the atmosphere of the city.

The cliffs on Gesing Beach can also be an interesting spot to enjoy the view of the high seas. You can go directly to the wooden stairs located on the right side of the beach. The cliff is not too high, making access to the top easier. As long as you stay careful while riding the steps, yes. After riding, don't forget to capture the moment with a selfie on the cliff.

If you are satisfied with enjoying the view, it's time you relax while swimming and playing sea water. The shallow area is small and is filled with rocks. Well, in this shallow area many fishermen take advantage of the opportunity to catch ornamental fish that usually hide behind rocks. You can also test your skills by fishing on Gesing Beach. For those who want to take your child along, you are advised to bring a swimming tire because the sea here is quite deep.

Gesing Beach is about 1.5 hours drive from the center of Yogyakarta City. Road access is easy and comfortable because it is coated with asphalt. Unfortunately, there is no public transportation that can take you directly to Gesing Beach from the city center. Instead, you can rent a vehicle to reach it.

In your entire life, have you ever seen anything or something big? Or maybe animals that are very large.

Like the following 10 animals that supposedly said to have existed and lived on Earth. Their size is very large. What animals? Following the review,

1. Titanoboa

Titanoboa (Boa Titan) is a snake genus that lived about 60 to 58 million years ago in the Paleocene period. The only species in this genus known is Titanoboa cerrejonensis, the largest snake ever encountered. Scientists estimate T. cerrejonensis has a length of 13 m with a mass of more than 1,100 kg, and has a width of 1 m. The fossil 28 T. cerrejonensis was discovered in the Cerrejón coal mine in northern Colombia in 2009.

2. Sarcosuchus

Sarcosuchus (meaning 'crocodile meat' and commonly called "SuperCroc") is an extinct crocodyliform genus and is relatively far from crocodiles. This fossil comes from the early Cretaceous Period which is now Africa and is one of the largest giant crocodile-like reptiles that ever existed. Its size is almost twice the length of saltwater crocodiles now and it weighs around 8-10 tons. Until recently, all that was known from the genus were several fossil teeth and armor scutes, which were discovered in the Sahara Desert by French paleontologist Albert-Félix de Lapparent, in the 1940s or 1950s. However, in 1997 and 2000, Paul Sereno discovered half a dozen new specimens, including one with about half an intact skeleton and most of the spine. All other giant crocodiles are known only from a few partial skulls, so the biggest is actually an open question. As an adult, Sarcosuchus is believed to be able to have a city bus length (11.2-12.2 meters or 37-40 feet) and weigh up to 8 tons (8.75 tons).

3. Amficoelia

In this genus there was once a herbivorous sauropod (Sauropodomorpha) which may be one of the largest dinosaurs in history, namely Amphicoelias fragillimus, which could possibly reach 40-60 meters in length, as well as rival the largest animal on earth, the blue whale. Even so, the fossils from Amphicoelias found were only fossils of their feet, so they were not officially the largest animals. For the time being, only argentinosaurus was officially the skeleton found, although only fossil skulls have never been found.

However, based on the results of studies in 2018, this species was moved into a new genus called Maraapunisaurus.

4. Argentavis

Argentavis magnificens was among the largest flying birds ever to exist, quite possibly surpassed in wingspan only by Pelagornis sandersi, which was described in 2014. A. magnificens, sometimes called the Giant Teratorn, is an extinct species known from three sites in the Epecuén and Andalhualá Formations in central and northwestern Argentina dating to the Late Miocene (Huayquerian), where a good sample of fossils has been obtained.

5. Merostomes

Embryology] and one of Brauer's figures. Study of these shows that the carapaces of the larval eurypterids have a closer agreement with  Early stage in development of scorpion. Ventral view of embryo. af, eye fold; sa, lateral eyes; obl, upper lip; Km, comb (pecten); abp, abdominal legs (gills). (From Brauer)Limulus than with the scorpions. In the scorpion embryo and larvae the carapace is relatively of larger size than in the eurypterids, being nearly half the length of the embryo, but it is long and slender, instead of short and broad or semicircular as in the merostomes; the procephalic region early, exhibits a deep frontal emargination and, according to Metschnikoff, a distinct bilobation, features that are found in neither Limulus nor the eurypterids, but which are characters of the adult scorpion.

 Likewise the development of the cephalothoracic appendages, while homologous in number and original position as to the stomodaeum (embryonic mouth) to that of the merostomes, differs from that of the eurypterids and Limulus in the early development of the pedipalps of the second segment, corresponding to their prominence in the adult scorpion. They are even recognizable earlier than the chelicerae of the first segment, while the following four pairs of walking legs are of uniform size and character.

6. Giant bear

Ancient bear fossils found in the Canadian High Arctic show that the mammal had a serious sweet tooth. Researchers found evidence of significant tooth decay among the remains of 3.5 million years.

Fossils belong to an extinct species called Protarctos abstrusus, a close relative of modern bears. The bear is a little smaller than a black bear. This displays a flat head on a combination of characteristics of primitive and modern teeth, evidence of the transition position in evolutionary trees.

7. Gigantopithecus (Biggest Ape)

Gigantopithecus is the largest monkey ever found to date. Their height is estimated to reach around 3 meters. They are found in several regions in Asia, including China. Gigantopithecus lived at the end of the Tertiary period until the beginning of the Quaternary period. Gigantopithecus is an omnivore, eating bamboo and other plants.

Gigantopithecus was first discovered in 1935, when a German paleontologist discovered fossil teeth that were sold in Chinese drug stores. He knew that the tooth was from an unidentified primate. There is a theory that Gigantopithecus is still alive today. Some people believe that this animal is a yeti or snowman that is said to live in a Himalayan cave.

8. Quetzalcoatl (Largest Flying Animal)

Quetzalcoatlus is a Pterosaur, once the largest flying animal in history. The largest wingspan is 12 meters (as big as propeller-engined aircraft). Its life is approximately around the coast, because of the shape of its beak which makes it possible to catch fish.

9. Patagotitan mayorum

Patagotitan is a genus of titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur from the Cerro Barcino Formation in Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina. The genus contains a single species known from multiple individuals: Patagotitan mayorum, first announced in 2014 and then validly named in 2017 by José Carballido, Diego Pol and colleagues. Contemporary studies estimated the length of the type specimen, a young adult, at 37 m (121 ft) with an approximate weight of 69 tonnes (76 tons).

10. Paus biru

Hewan terbesar yang pernah hidup di bumi adalah biru yang sampai sekarang masih berkeliaran di lautan. Paus ini panjangnya mencapai 33 meter dengan berat mencapai 150 ton.

Bayangkan jika kita dilahirkan di jaman sejak jutaan tahun lalu. Kita akan jadi bulan-bulanan para hewan-hewan raksasa di atas. Bersuyukurlah kita hidup di jaman sekarang ya gaess!

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